Dixon Carpenter Chalk | White or Blue | 72 Count Box
The "original carpenter's chalk", Dixon Carpenter’s Chalk marks easily, clings readily, and can be painted over. Dixon Carpenters Chalk is a Hemispherical 2-1/2 inch cake shape.
Dixon Carpenters Chalk Features Overview:
Dixon Carpenters Chalk is the original carpenter’s chalk
Dixon Carpenters Chalk marks easily and clings readily
Dixon Carpenters Chalk can be painted over
Dixon Carpenters Chalk is Hemispherical 2-1/2 inch cake shape
Dixon Carpenters Chalk is PMA Certified Non-toxic
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Dixon Railroad Chalk | 72 Count
The Original marking Railroad chalk for temporary marks on metal, wood, stone, and paperboard. Since 1835, Dixon Industrial Railroad Chalk has been ideal...
Dixon Red and Black 997-H Hard Carpenter Pencils | Dixon | 72 Count Box| Dixon Part Number 19973
Dixon's Red and Black Carpenter pencil's, commonly known as the best Carpenter Pencils money can buy,...
Dixon Red and Black 997-S Soft Carpenter Pencils | Dixon | 72 Count Box| Dixon Part Number 19971
Dixon's Red and Black Carpenter pencil's, commonly known as the best Carpenter Pencils money can buy,...
Dixon Red and Black 997-M Medium Carpenter Pencils | Dixon | 72 Count | Dixon Part Number 19972
Dixon's Red and Black Carpenter pencil's, commonly known as the best Carpenter Pencils money can buy,...
Dixon Lumber Crayons | 12 Count Box
Dixon's 1/2" Lumber Crayons are far and wide the industry standard for lumber grading and lumber marking. These extruded lumber crayons from Dixon outlast normal...
Dixon Red and Black 997-H Hard Carpenter Pencils | Dixon | 12 Count | Dixon Part Number 19973
Dixon's Red and Black Carpenter pencil's, commonly known as the best Carpenter Pencils money can buy,...