Meet safety standards and be prepared for an emergency with this Logger's First Aid Kit which meets OSHA requirements. The Logger's First Aid Kit strong, secure, water & dust resistant with its contents in a clearly labeled gasketed metal case with sturdy latches. Pre drilled holes allow for fast and easy removal of wall mounted kits in an emergency
10 Person First Aid Kit | Acme | Plastic Case | 6060
Acme United Corp. 10 person first aid kit meets OSHA requirement 1910.151b. This 10 person first aid kit comes stored in a convenient and compact...
Foxfire Logger Lite Kit | Red or Amber
Visibility up to a mile away!
Foxfire Logger Lite Kits offer an excellent replacement for long load marker flags in low light conditions. Specifically...
QuickSafe Chemical Industry First Aid Station | 5171
This First aid station from Plum Safety was specifically put together for the chemical industry, laboratories and other companies, where...
Spencer Loop and Hinge for Spencer Logger's Tapes
Replacement Part for the very end of the Logger's Tape
Replacement Loop and Hinge for Spencer Loggers Tapes.