Plum Plus Rinse Large Eyewash Station in Dust-Proof Wall Mount Case with 2 Bottles of Eyewash Solution |Plum 48169
The Plus Rinse Large Eyewash Station from Plum is a dust-proof wall eyewash station in a shock-proof polystyrene wall mount case with a mirror. This large eyewash station contains (2) 33.8 fl oz (1000ml) of Plus Rinse Sterile Saline Solution Eyecup bottles, pictogram on the front side and mirror inside the lid. Bottles have a quick 1/4 turn activation. Plus Rinse Solution has a 3 year expiration. Rinsing time c 10 min. The Plum Plus Rinse Large Eyewash Station is ideal for dirty and dusty production areas, warehouses and mobile work places.
Emergency showers and eyewash stations provide on-the-spot decontamination. They allow workers to flush away hazardous substances from the eye(s) that can cause injury. Accidental chemical exposures can still occur even with good engineering controls and safety precautions. Employees must have access to an emergency eye wash station to ensure they can quickly and properly flush away hazardous substances.