Ranger Pro Herbicide | 2.5 gallon jug
Ranger Pro herbicide is used in Forestry Management for the control or partial control of woody brush, trees and herbaceous weeds in forestry. Ranger Pro herbicide is also for use in preparing or establishing wildlife openings within these sites and maintaining logging roads.
Made by Monsanto, Ranger Pro Herbicide is a water-soluble, broad-spectrum, post-emergent herbicide that controls most annual and perennial weeds and is also effective against woody brush and trees. Ranger Pro moves through the plant from the point of foliage contact and then into the root system. The herbicide breaks down naturally and won’t wash or leach into the root zones of neighboring plants. Ranger Pro contains a surfactant, and no additional surfactant is needed. Active ingredient is 41% glyphosate isopropylamine salt. 2-1/2 Gallon Jug.
Any labeled rate of this product may be used in a tank mix with the following products for forestry site preparation.
Arsenal Applicators Concentrate, Garlon 3A, Garlon 4, Chopper, Chopper Gen2, Escort, Oust XP.
Use higher rates of this product within the labeled range for control or partial control of woody brush, trees and hard to control perennial herbaceous weeds. For best results, apply Ranger Pro Herbicide to actively growing woody brush and trees after fll leaf expansion and before fall color and leaf drop. Increase rates within the labeled range for control of perennial herbaceous weeds any time after emergence and before seedheads, flowers or berries appear.
Use the lower rates of Ranger Pro Herbicide within the labeled range for control of annual herbaceous weeds and actively growing perennial herbaceous weeds after seedheads, flowers or berries appear. Apply Ranger Pro Hericide to the foliage of actively growing annual herbaceous weeds any time after emergence.
Ranger Pro Herbicide has no herbicidal or residual activity in the soil. Where repeat applications of Ranger Pro Herbicide are necessary, do not exceed 10.6 quarts of this product per acre per year.
Tank Mixtures: Tank mixtures of Ranger Pro Herbicide may be used to increase the spectrum of vegetation controlled. When tank mixing, read and carefully observe the label claims, cautionary statements and all information on the labels of all products used. Use according to the most restrictive precautionary statements for each product in the mixture.
Note: For forestry site preparation, make sure the tank-mix product is approved for use prior to planting the desired species. Observe planting interval restrictions.